Saturday, May 17, 2014


MAY 11

Today is Mother’s Day! Of course, I had to wait until it was evening here in order to call home at a decent hour. I figured I would just catch my mom at home, but when I called the person who picked up the phone sounded too “professional”, for lack of a better word. It was as if they were a secretary. I was taken aback a bit so I ended up asking for my mom by name. That’s when we both realized who was on the other side; it was my Aunt after all. She and her siblings were all visiting my grandmother for Mother’s Day.

Eventually my mom got on the phone, so I was able to properly convey my message, if not in a slightly awkward tone. I had nothing else to say, and it seemed like they already had plans for the day. It was nice to talk to them though, even if it was just a brief ‘Hello.’ I miss playing canasta (a card game) with them, haha.

MAY 12

It turned out to be a slightly busy Monday today. First it started out with grammar class, and then Joy and I had lunch with Mrs. Yamamoto’s seminar class again. It actually wasn’t the class per say. Only four of the seminar students showed up, but that included Shogo, who is a member of the futsal club. One day Joy and I want to check them out. Hopefully they will let us play, too.

In the last minutes of lunch we hurried to finish our pair homework for conversation class, which only took a couple minutes. Then, following class we had International Cafe. Many of the new Chinese and Taiwanese students came this time, but oddly enough there were only a couple Japanese students. As a result, the groups were a bit unbalanced, but we continued to hang out afterward so that we could all go out to eat curry together. Naan curry, of course.

Two of the new exchange students, Lai and Go, had not been to the restaurant yet. Originally, I planned to take them there last Monday, but since I couldn’t make it back to Nagoya, we settled on today. I’m not sure the flavor was what they were expecting. They said it tasted it good, but that’s not the expression I read on their face. I helped them finish the leftovers, and then had a couple extra naan myself. I don’t know what beast was inside me today, but it was a hungry one.

MAY 13

I only worked on manga for a little bit today before heading back to school for dance practice. Actually, I met with Gakki in the school cafeteria to eat for a bit first. I haven’t had the chance to see her since she came back from San Francisco, so that was the purpose of our talk. She dressed up in what he determined was American style, but it looked more like American tourist style to me. The hat she bought was a floppy fisherman-like cap, which I thought might have been more suitable for a place like Australia. Then again, I haven’t been out West. Had it been a cowboy hat, I would have to say it was American.

So, anyway, we ate dinner. I ate more than I usually do before practice, so I felt a bit sluggish. Even if I hadn’t, I couldn’t focus my attention. I know how I want to dance, but I can’t figure out what to practice exactly.

MAY 14

It’s been a while now since I started training. I’ve come to really understand why the students are so shy to speak: they don’t have regular chances to practice. Because of that, I’ve started having my older students read out loud in class. At first they were really shy, but I think they are getting used to and maybe even enjoying it. Students who were quiet before are now laughing. It’s a small accomplishment, but it’s very encouraging.

MAY 15

Dance? Work on manga? No, today we have to work on our report and presentation on ikebana, traditional Japanese flower arrangement. I had a brief experience making ikebana three years ago, and then last fall we also went to see an ikebana exhibition. My presentation is focused on the rules, or rather the math, that goes into creating a balanced arrangement. Creating the presentation from start to finish took all day, but it’s ready now!

MAY 16

My presentation went very well, which is always a relief. I was one of the first to present, so my information was relatively new at that point, but since everyone had to present on ikebana, there was some crossovers. Many people talked about the different styles, or about the tools used. We still have presentations to sit through next week on the same topic… that’s the only downside to this class.

Then, after my presentation, guess what? Yes. I went home and took a nap. This is a problem, I know, but now that I think about it, it’s probably because I feel stressed. When I’m stressed with a large project for example, anything is better than consistently working on it. So, I break up the time with naps. It also helps me reset my mind for the task. This time, it was actually quite a long nap since I only had an hour to work on my manga before I met the other for Game Night at Heart n’ Soul.

Tonight’s free meal was wrapped sandwiches!! Luckily there was chicken wraps, too, so I was able to eat as we played Blocks again. It was time for revenge! In reality, I was consistently ganged up on by two or three other players, so it was a game of survival and not ending up in last place. We played that game for the whole two hours with an unrelenting fury. However, the event ended at 9pm, so we had to set our Blocks aside for now.

Since it’s been a while since I’ve gone to dance practice, I joined Ken and the others for a late practice at the Naka District Hall. Practice was going pretty well, and then this old guy shows up out of nowhere. I see him walking toward us, me in particular, so I take out my earphones. That was a mistake. I thought he had a simple question, or maybe he was a beggar and would quickly be one his way. Instead, he took it upon himself to tell me how he used to be able to do push-ups with his thumbs and all kinds of acrobatics forty years ago when he was younger. I had been practicing more handstands at the time, and he kept saying, ‘Ah, you need more muscle, more muscle here,’ and then he would grab my arm. Yes, I’m aware, thank you, good-bye, was what I was thinking, but he wasn’t taking the hints that I wanted to get back to practicing. None of the other guys interrupted him either until I sort of led him in their direction. I know he was harmless, but come on, guys, step up.

MAY 17

Training ended early today so I was able to catch the tail-end of the dinner party at Chi and Tobias’ new apartment. Most of the food was gone, but I made a meal out of the remaining potato chips and garlic butter spread. I watched the group playing a new game where each member rights down what they think is the best answer to a question written on a card, and then the card holder chooses which answer they like best. However, they only played for a little longer and then many of the members left for home. A few of us hung around and played UNO until midnight or so. Then, the party was truly over. I walked home with Marie and her boyfriend, who came to visit from Hokkaido again. We still haven’t gone to karaoke together yet, though we’ve promised to do so several times now. Maybe we can go in July when he comes to visit again.

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