Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 10 - Karaoke

I can't believe we only got to spend two days with these people, they are so much fun, and I feel like if we had more time we could really become friends.

Our group met with the Aichi students again today. My group and Lynnette's headed off shopping together. Like most larger stations, there was a shopping center connected to it. It's not like we wanted anything in particular, I mean we couldn't get clothes... we didn't really need them. But after thinking about it, I wanted a hat. Yes. A very cool hat.

We returned to the campus for lunch, yay for rice! Haha, just one bowl since I was still full from breakfast. I also managed to magically drop my mp3 so kpop started blaring next to this table full of guys >_> Great timing? Yup. Why did I have my mp3? Cause we were going to Karaoke and I needed to get comfortable and excited~ we listened to various songs as we walked there. It might have been best to listen to some Japanese, but that didn't really come to mind until I was looking at the song choices and thinking "I dont know any of these lyrics!!"

So I opted to embarass myself with American pop songs. For some reason Backstreet Boy's Everybody sounded like the perfect choice (though it wasn't pointed out till later how awkward that could have been). I'm not much of a singer anyway, but I had to do it for myself. Then I was SHOCKED. Lynnette can SING. Like LEGIT. And then the other girls had really nice voices... whilst we were supposed to be clapping and using the tamborines I would forget and stare at them in amazement, like 'wow, that's good.'

I proceeded to fail by attempting Big Bang's Gara Gara Go, cause it was in Japanese and I THOUGHT I knew the lyrics... but it came a lot faster than I was prepared for XD Then I was thought, 'okay, I should try a girl song' which led to the realization that I really do not know the lyrics to Paramore's Crush Crush Crush. Oh well. It was fun. I'm glad I put myself out there.

BUT! Before the awkward was over, there was one last thing I had to do.

Yesterday, I told Park (the korean exchange student in my group) that I knew the dance to SHINEE's Lucifer, and then on our way to the Karaoke place I told her that if she sung it, I would dance to it.

Well, guess who found the song? :P

Mind you, this was a fairly tiny room, with a table in the middle that took over have the space. Imagine trying to dance in a 2"x3" space. Oh yeah, I bumped into that table a couple times, dropped my hat... made a fine fool of myself. But man, was I glad I had that hat, cause it covered my face pretty well, haha.

After than insanity, high on life and pretty much uninhibited now that the worst was over, we all headed over to the park to set off some fireworks. Sparklers, zipping bees~ We had a great time :)

We returned to the campus again for the farewell Tea Party. Once again, my group supplied several amazing treats, goodies from the convenient stores such as black sugar. One of the girls made a cake, pinapple upside down cake I believe. I received a couple fine gifts too; a plush cat-head keycharm that is used for wiping screens, a letter and picture of Tanaka Koki with it >///> and a beautiful candy display set from a girl whose father works at a candy shop. Its squishy so I suspect there's gelatin.. I haven't eaten it yet, but its better to look at.

We made our final departures. The girls caught the train with me to my stop. We stopped in the music store for a bit, and then I headed home alone.

For dinner, I was surprised with a bike ride to Sakiko's grandparents' house. Good thing you can't really forget how to ride a bike, even though it was awkward (and dangerous) just booking it through streets without really stopping at the corners. Her grandparents' house was connected to a little storefront with baked goodies and treats. Her aunt made us stew, and it was really tasty, but we didn't stay for long. We returned to the apartment on our bikes, and then got a pack of donuts for breakfast from Mr. Donut.

I learned how to say something broke... kowareru
(こわれる)which is a lot better than simply saying "my laptop died."

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